Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Where do you come up with your work box ideas??

Today I met with a friend and we worked all day making new materials for her classroom.  During our time together, she said "where do you come up with all these ideas" more than once.  I figured maybe I should share where I get some of my best ideas.  Hint. . . I steal them!!
Below is an extensive list of sites where I have gone to get ideas for new work boxes.  I kind of have an obsession for making them and I am always looking for something new to make.  If you have other places you go to, please let me know!

Websites (some commercial, some blogs, some random)

Pinterest boards:


  1. This is a great list! I"m going to work a link to it into a blog post in the near future I think. I also need to update my organizing classrooms materials and will link to this there as well. I'll try to let you know. Thanks for pulling it all together!

    Autism Classroom News

    1. Thanks Chris! I am your newest follower. I LOVE the information you provide. Will be spending a few hours looking through your things!

  2. This is a very nice list. I'll pass this on to my teachers. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Ruth! I LOVE your blog so any compliment from you is taken very highly! :)

  3. Super awesome! I can tell you are a super teacher! :) Kool-aid smile!

  4. This is amazing!! I have a new goal for the summer. Make work tasks!!! Thanks for compiling this list. I'm your new follower.

    Challenges Make Life Interesting

    1. Beware... You may become a work box addict!!! Please share any great tasks you come up with!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Have you tried the work tasks located at www.autismlearn101.com. Every task on this site is an original design.

  7. Thank you for sharing this resource! I have not seen this site before and can't wait to look through it to get new ideas and purchase some products!
